About ZenTwig Fine Art and PhotographicZenTwig is a locally owned and operated business focused solely on fine art reproduction of the highest quality. ZenTwig was created in January 2015 after long-time fine art reproduction house Digicraft at Udevelop in Portland, Oregon closed its doors.
About the Owner & OperatorBenjamin Cline is a photographer and is passionate about working with other artists. He has over nine years of experience as the lead digital imaging technician at Digicraft. Over the years, through close work with local artists, he has come to be trusted for his attention to detail, output of high quality work, and attention to client feedback. Benjamin looks forward to continuing his relationships with local artists.
About The NameThe name ZenTwig is in homage to a series of black and white images by photographer Ralph Eugene Meatyard. In an article from the New York Times, Charles Hagen wrote,
"... [Meatyard] photographed branches in closeup, leaving only one small area in focus while everything else is reduced to smudges and haze; these pictures have a delicate precision, with the twigs slicing through the photographs like three-dimensional calligraphy." |